Every single month I use a freefont to create a little cover-design which should introduce you just this font. I started in July 2012, so it's kind of a hobby which I call type month. The internet is full of fonts for free, but there are only a few which you might call excellent. Every of these fonts is special for itself. Hope you‘ll enjoy it and if you like the font please donate the font designer. All links are at the bottom.
© Fotos & Design: Marco Ellinger, Fonts: different owner.

July 2012: Slukoni  //  August 2012: Metropolis //  September 2012: Ostrich-sans  //  October 2012: Class A  //  November 2012: Pistilli  //  December 2012: Blanch  // 
January 2013: Nexa  //  February 2013: Haymaker  //  March 2013: Archive  //  April 2013: file  //  May 2013: HVD Comic serif pro  //  June 2013: Libel Suit  //  July 2013: Sequi  //  August 2013: Accents  //  September 2013: Morden  //  October 2013: Dinasti  //  November 2013: Bacana  //  December 2013: Absolut Pro  //
January 2014: Lousiane  //  February 2014: Hipstelvetica  //  March 2014: Figa  //  April 2014: Lato  //  May 2014: Lora  //  June 2014: Track  //  July 2014: Axis  //  August 2014: Neris //

Wanna see more? Keep in touch and follow me.
You can also visit my website or blog for more projects.

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